姓名 | 題目 |
張以承 | A common East-Asian ALDH2 mutation causes metabolic disorders and the therapeutic effect of ALDH2 activators 東亞地區常見的ALDH2基因突變導致代謝異常及ALDH2活化劑的治療效果 |
姓名 | 題目 |
周振凱 | Clinical Impact of Androgen Receptor–Suppressing miR-146b Expression in Papillary Thyroid Cancer Aggressiveness 甲狀腺乳突癌中雄性賀爾蒙接受體異常表現與高癌症風險和甲狀腺外侵犯相關 |
林冠宇 | Traits of Patients With Pituitary Tumors in Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 and Comparing Different Mutation Status 腦下垂體腫瘤於多發性內分泌腫瘤第一型患者的特徵及不同基因變異型之比較 |
姓名 | 題目 |
顏福順 | The Risk of Severe Hypoglycemia and Mortality in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Discharged with Acute Liver Injury 2型糖尿病人因急性肝損傷出院其嚴重低血糖及死亡的風險 |
吳至行 | Comparisons Between Different Anti-Osteoporosis Medications on Postfracture Mortality: A Population-Based Study 比較不同骨質疏鬆症藥物對骨折後死亡率的影響:以全人口為基礎的研究 |
姓名 | 題目 |
陳大期 | Stability of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Receptor Antibodies in the Stored Serum Samples |
姓名 | 題目 |
陳瀅宇 | Fulminant Diabetes Associated with Immunotherapy Related Adverse Event: A Case Report |
林子健 | A Secondary Amenorrheic Woman Had Postmenopausal Bleeding. Is Covid-19 Vaccination Related? : A Case Report and Literature Review |