
2017 世界糖尿病日主題及IDF Diabetes Atlas 8th Edition - Call for data sources

各位會員您好 2017 世界糖尿病日主題(World Diabetes Day 2017 theme)為:‘Women and diabetes’ KEY MESSAGES: *All women with diabetes require affordable and equitable access to care and education to better manage their diabetes and improve their health outcomes. *Pregnant women require improved access to screening, care and education to achieve positive health outcomes for mother and child. *Women and girls are key agents in the adoption of healthy lifestyles to improve the health and well-being of future generations. ------------------------------- IDF Diabetes Atlas 8th Edition - Call for data sources In preparation for the IDF Diabetes Atlas 8th Edition, the Atlas team is looking for data sources/studies about country level age stratified prevalence of diabetes, impaired glucose tolerance and gestational diabetes in adults. If you are aware of recent data from your country, from the beginning of 2015 to the end of 2016, please send the information to atlas@idf.org.