The Endocrine Society of the Republic of China (Taiwan)


<轉知國際期刊邀請>Invitation to submit to Endocrine Journal (日本內分泌學會)


    日本內分泌學會Japan Endocrine Society定期發行Endocrine Journal,期刊目前最新IF(2021年)為2.86,今年JES來信邀請本會會員投稿,歡迎會員參考以下期刊資訊,踴躍投稿!


Formosan Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism (FJEM)雜誌編輯部

Endocrine Journal, the official journal of the Japan Endocrine Society founded in 1925.

Endocrine Journal is an Open Access (CC BY-NC-ND), peer-reviewed journal. We publish experimental, translational, and clinical research overflowing with originality in a variety of aspects of endocrinology and metabolism. We cordially encourage your society members to submit fascinating works as Original Articles, Notes, Case Reports with Review of Literature, and Review Articles.


Here are the key facts of Endocrine Journal.


Latest impact factor (2021): 2.860

Acceptance rate: 18%

Average review period: 22.7 days


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Journal website


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