The 35th Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society and The Diabetes Association of the R.O.C. (Taiwan)
1. Plenary Lecture 01, Speaker Yuan-Tsong Chen, Moderator Tjin-Shing Jap.
2. Group Picture after Plenary Lecture 01, Tjin-Shing Jap, Michael A. Levine, Yuan-Tsong Chen, Dau-Ming Niu.
3. Special Lecture 02, Speaker Annamaria Colao, Moderator Tien-Shang Huang.
4. The Secretariat of The Endocrine Society of the R.O.C. (Taiwan).
5. 2014 The Winner of Excellent Research Award, Ming-Chia Hsieh.
6. Special Lecture 06, Speaker Michael A. Levine, Moderator Keh-Sung Tsai.
7. Group Picture after Symposium 02: Education Workshop for New Blood.
8. 2013 Specialist in Endocrinology and Metabolism.
9. The Specialist of the Year 2013, Hung-An Lin
10. Group Picture after Special Lecture 04: Animal Models for Steroid Hormones